Make Money Online for free
In this article, we will be talking about how to make money on-line for free without any investment or money. There are many steps in making money online and we will be discussing about the simplest ways to make money on-line.
1) Blogging
It is the most simplest way of making finances just by typing articles, getting traffic and putting ads with adsense and earning money through adsvertisements. It is one of the easiest ways but requires time and hardwork. Also we have to make article using many tricks and steps such that our article ranks in the top of google. For many bloggers, getting traffic to your website is a big problem as for beginners they don't know how to use seo inorder to rank their website. Well, it is a common problem and in our upcoming articles we will be discussing all about blogging. You can get free domain and hosting through blogger which is generally preferable for the beginners and as you start growing if you have the capital you can buy premium hosting and domain which is more beneficial as compared to a free domain.
2) Affliate Marketing
Affliate Marketing is also one of the key ways in which we have to promote other people's products or services and we earn finances with each purchase we make. It is also a good way of earning and once our area of marketing grows we can earn huge profit in the affliate marketing. For example many youtuber's review a phone and then ask at the last that if your interested then buy using the link given in description this is one of the example of affliate marketing. There are plenty of ways of becoming an affliate like you can share your affliate link to all your friends and family and earn from their purchasing which many of the people do.
3) Youtube
Another way of earning funds on the net is uploading various kinds of youtube videos and reaching a certain amount requirements and then applying for ad-sense and earning by placing ads in the video. It also does not require investment but we have to work hardcore inorder to grow as the competition is very high today in youtube.You can start a channel in various topics such as :
Podcast : Taking various interviews and inspiring instances of one's life and inspiring the viewers such that they feel the positive energy after watching.
Comedy: Another way is comedy as people like funny videos very much and if the comedy is family friendly then even more views will be there. In india, many of the vines creater like bb ki vines, ashish chanchalani, harsh beniwal, amit bhadana, slayy point and many other youtubers are getting famous day by day and they are getting many brand endorcements.
Educational Videos: If you are confident that you can teach any subject then you can upload educational videos on the net.
Vlogging: It is a great option in today's life as people want to connect with other people and due to covid pandemic many people are using youtube so it is a good means of socialism.
Many options are there in youtube, we will be covering all in upcoming articles.
4) Social Media Marketing
This is also a good way of earning but we have to first get good followers and viewers in our social media platform. Once we get a good amount of followers, certain brands will approach us and ask us to promote their product/services and in turn they pay us a good amount of money. It happens in many platforms like facebook, instagram and many more. It often takes time to reach at a place where multiple brands start approaching us.
5) Freelancing
It is also a good way of earning in which if we have a skill in any field and then we can apply for freelancing websites and work with companies and provide your service and in turn they will pay you back. It is a very good way of making money from the first day and many people are also doing but it requires mastery in your interested skills. Many companies want to hire freelancers instead of permanent job seekers so there is a lot of scope in this field.
In all the fields hardwork, dedication and consistency is a must as even if you start any one of the mentioned fields, you won't be able to succeed if your just here to get quick results, these methods can give you serious capital if your serious about this.
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